We recently moved to a new (new to us) house. In our previous temporary place, we only had 2 bedrooms, so my art space was very cramped! But we found a house that was just what we were looking for! I was so excited to get moved and have that extra bedroom space for my art studio again.
I don't have a huge space, but it is a room dedicated just to my studio. We only started moving in two weeks ago, so I am still emptying boxes and looking for things that I need and deciding how I am going to organize my work space.
Now if I can just find the clamp for my lighted magnifier!
It still has a ways to go, but here is my new space. I just need to get all of my supplies out and organized so I can get back to work! I will post updates as I do a little decorating...paint, fabric, maybe a rug.
In my next post I will have pictures of the new space, hopefully more organized and ready to use. Check back for updates on my progress.
Studio Tour Update: Part 2
Studio Tour Update: Part 3
Studio Tour Update 2017: Part 4