Welcome to My Studio

In my last post (part 2), I showed the desk/drawing space side of the new studio. Today, I am showing you the clay/painting side of the studio. Since this photo was taken, I have started back to work there and it is back to its usual cluttered, but productive space. See second photo for the busy artist at work look!

Back To Work
Now I can turn my attention back to my little Etsy shop and to get ready for craft shows for this year.
I've made clay houses, trees, mushrooms, hearts, birds, and some Believe Tree ornaments. I have to make up for the time I've spent packing and moving. Now I can have fun in my new space.
I am hoping to add one or two more shows to my schedule this year. My goal is to raise enough money to buy a larger kiln! It takes a lot of time to fire larger items in my little baby kiln. It is perfect for my little houses and other little things, but if I want to expand my little business, I need a larger kiln! Wish me luck!
My Need for Organization
For now, everything is organized. I'm sure as I work more in the space, I may decide to rearrange things and I'm sure I will paint some of the furniture pieces, so they don't look so random. But because of all of the 'stuff' (art supplies), I must keep everything organized, so things do not get chaotic. I can't work in chaos! Because I want to become more Focused this year, I need to declutter. My cleaning out may become someone else's treasures!
Back in the corner, I have my printer on top of the cabinet with my paint supplies, plus the thrift shop cabinets with more paints and glazes. Yes, I feel like I have too many supplies. I want to get rid of some supplies that I no longer use. That could take me awhile to weed out the slightly used supplies that I can part with. I may have to put some supplies up for sale, just for my need for organization.
Studio Tour - Part 4
Until next time...
Beth ♥
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