Mondays are for planning my work for the week and looking over the results of last weeks work.

2. What do I need to do this week? What needs to be worked on first? I set priorities for jobs that need to be done before moving on to the next order. I also have several projects going on at the same time. I can work on one project while another is drying, etc.
3. List some new marketing ideas to implement. I'm always trying to find new ways to get my work out in the public. I can't sell my work to the same people, over and over. So I have to look into the future and keep up with the latest.
4. Research new marketing ideas. New technology means new opportunities to try. I've been on Instagram for a couple of years now, but really haven't used it for marketing much. I've been trying to use it more regularly by posting picture of my work in progress, in the studio. Now I need to figure out how to get those pictures seen by more people. Getting followers, for me, seems a little bit too pushy, but I do need to learn to sell myself better.
If you are on Instagram, you can follow me here:
Beth Macre on Instagram
If you are on Pinterest, you can follow me here:
Beth Macre on Pinterest
If you want to follow on Facebook, my Art page is here:
Beth Macre on Facebook
And of course, I am on Etsy. You can see that here:
Beth Macre on Etsy
How is that for promoting myself? Well, it really is hard for me to put myself out there like this. In real life, I am not an extrovert. I wouldn't call myself 'SHY'...anymore, (I'll leave that explanation for another day), but I am not outgoing. But I do enjoy interacting with people, especially other artists, craftsmen, and bloggers.
5. Write, or plan, a blog post. I have been trying to be more active on my blog by posting more often. I tend to go in spurts. When I am in the middle of a bigger project, I hate to take too much time away from it. But I know it is important to post regularly. So I am working on that too. (My list of improvements!) I am also trying to make my posts more informative, rather than be just about myself and my art. Maybe it will be easier, since I really do not like to talk about myself anyway! My goal is to blog 2 to 3 times a week. It may take me awhile to get into that habit, but it is a goal.
6. Work on creating for at least 3-4 hours, hopefully more. After I spend half my day, going through my list (above), then I try to work on one of my projects, sometimes more, for at least 3 or 4 hours. Sometimes more.
So, I will end it with that and a picture of a small colored pencil drawing that I created this weekend. The little bird drawing above, is a a small colored pencil piece that will be traded with another artist. I really hate to let go of this one because I love the colors so much! I may just have to do another one for myself...when I have time.
Until next time...