I decided that for 2014 I wanted to simplify my life. For me, that just means to continue to de-clutter my 'space'/home and to stop trying to take on more than I can handle. So what did I do? I signed up for a 30 day painting challenge! Haha...I am already a few days behind, but the good thing is that I can do multiple paintings in one day to catch up or to get ahead. But the goal is to loosen up with some paintings. I managed to paint the first one, but then the next 2 days were busy with other responsibilities. So I hope to get back on schedule over the next couple of days.

I spent a day straightening my art studio last week. Before Christmas, I was so busy that many things had been pulled out, moved, used, and piled up. So it needed to be cleaned up a bit. It doesn't stay straight very long when I start working in here, so I thought I would take some photos while I could.
A few things about my studio...
1. It is Red, because it was my daughter's room, before she moved away to college. Her choice of color. I like it, but it probably isn't the best for a studio, but I don't want to take everything out and
paint it! Not yet, anyway. I have other painting projects to take on first!

2. I have the room set up in two working sides. The first studio photo shows the work table where I create fun things out of clay. The second photo is the corner to the right of the work table where my Sophie naps while I work.
The third photo shows the drawing table and desk where I draw and paint and compute.

3. The little houses that I create are still in the old studio/office space. The last photo, is my display of little houses. I keep them this way so I can find one easily when it sells and I can keep up with what colors and sizes that I have. I also put a baseball in the front so that you can get an idea of how small they are. I have had some people tell me they couldn't tell how big or small they are based on some of my photos. They range from 1/2 inch to 3 1/2 inches for the small ones. But I also make larger ones that can go up to 7 inches tall.
So this is my space where I create. It is small, but cozy. I am thankful that I have a room that I can use just for my art and supplies.
Now, I have to get back to my paintings. I have 3 canvases ready to paint. Hopefully something fun will come out of at least one or two of them! Look for updates tomorrow!