Happy Memorial Day!
"Evening at Home"
Prismacolor Colored Pencils on Watercolor paper
♥Beth S. Macre © 2009♥
I thought I would take some pictures of the process that I use to create my texture tiles. I really enjoy creating these tiles. If only I had more time and space to create them in. The drawing above is what I created for this tile. Last night I created this tile. It has to dry and be fired before I can add glaze it and fire it the last time. So I will post it when it is completely done.
First I roll out the clay into a slab and cut it to the size that I want. This one is 4" x 4". I also put a hole into it, so it can be hung on a nail, if wanted. The hole will get covered up on the front.
Then I cut the house out of a thin clay slab. I attach it to the blank tile, then add pieces of clay to create the ground, shrubs, and other details around the house. I start to add raised details, such as the roof edge, shutters, steps, doors, windows, etc.
I cut out little shutters, fencing, posts, steps, hearts. I always add a little heart to the home.
After I get most of the shapes attached, I start adding textures into the clay...like the tree leaves texture, ground textures, flowers, picket fence, windows, etc.
And finally the sky texture and cloud to cover the nail hole.
When it dries completely, I will fire it, then glaze it, the fire it again. It can take up to a week to dry. So it can't be rushed. I will post the results when it is finished! Thanks for your interest!
Don't you want to get your hands dirty now? ~Beth