Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Sketches

Sunday Sketches

This week has been super busy. I am getting ready for 3 fall shows coming up, so I am working daily to create plenty of inventory to sell. I will post more about those later.

Today I will quickly share a watercolor and pen doodle sketch that I worked on this week. I'm not quite finished with it, but I am liking the colors and the shapes. I think it needs a few more little tweaks, then on to the next one. If you have seen my latest doodle sketches, you can probably see the theme developing here. The whimsical flower designs are pretty fun to create and I feel like the design elements will be seen in future works. Possibly some mixed media paintings.

Check out Sunday Sketches on Blue Chair Diary Illustration Blog.

Stay tuned!

 Have a great Sunday and the rest of this week!


  1. Gorgeous flower sketch Beth. Love this.

  2. Your journal page is beautiful. It makes me smile.
    Thanks :)

  3. Lovely journal page....hope you sell lots at your Fall Gigs.


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