At the beginning of the year I decided that my theme or goal for this year was to simplify. Not realizing what this year would bring (moving across the state) that has been a little challenging for me, but I am trying. Lately, I have been falling into that trap of trying to do too many different things, going in too many different directions. So this is my 'Note to Self' ...
This means that I will pick and choose, more carefully, what I decide to put on my calendar. Right now, I am pulling into the home stretch of getting ready for War Eagle Fair in October! It is a 4 day show and I have never done this fair, much less a 4 day fair. So needless to say, I am f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g. OUT! I feel guilty when I'm not working and feel guilty when I work all the time. I am trying to keep that balanced, so I don't get burned out. I spoke with another blogger at the conference this weekend about this very subject. We both agreed that it is so much better to create what you enjoy. Creating work for this show is just that! I am creating what I love and hope that others feel the same about my work. I hope that this turns out well, because this show is only 30 minutes from home. If it does go well, I hope to return next year, with an entire year to prepare for the show. Not just 4 months!
I had an awesome day at the Arkansas Women Bloggers Conference, in Rogers. I participated in the Marketplace Saturday afternoon, where I sold a few things and was interviewed by a local TV reporter, ON CAMERA! And yes, I was surprised to see that they showed part of my interview! I thought they would cut me out. Even though I hate seeing and hearing myself on camera, it is exciting, none the less! After seeing this, I see that I need a hair cut desperately! And maybe some bangs.
Here is the link, in case you want to see the story about the Women Blogger's Conference. Click here:
Ch. 5 Story about Arkansas Women's Blogger Conference
From now until after War Eagle Fair, I will probably just be posting pictures of things I am working on. Things that will be going with me to the Art Show and maybe a few little things that my husband and I are working on for his Vintage/Antiques Booth. More about that later.
Have a great week!