Thursday, May 31, 2012

Making Hard Decisions

I've taught art in the same district for 29 years.  The last 25 of those have been in the same classroom at the high school level.  I guess I must not like to change things up very much.  So, for me to make this important decision, was very difficult.  I made the decision to retire from teaching.  I have been thinking about it off and on for a year or so.  Although I have, for the most part, enjoyed my little home away from home.  I have spent more time in that classroom than I have been home.  I really enjoyed getting to know my students who loved to come to the art room to create and explore and enjoy the process of learning.  It was a blessing to see so many students enjoy my class.  But, it was time for a change. Change is good.  I retired from this job, but I plan to continue to be an artist, hopefully sell some things along the way...hopefully a lot of things!  But I know that I will probably continue to teach art in some way.  I don't know what or how yet, but creating art and teaching art seems to be my purpose...and I cannot give up that part of me.  It will just be in a different place. I have some ideas rolling around in my head.  For now, I will continue to create in my home studio that is bursting at the seams with supplies that are begging to be used.



  1. Since you obviously love teaching, maybe do some workshops for senior centers or local community organizations. It will give you a little of what you have loved, but not full time.

    Just a thought!

  2. Thanks Sweety! I'm sure I will be doing some local workshops, lessons, etc. Right now I'm enjoying the time to create without having to rush. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. cONGRATULATIONS, BETH- you can't retire from creativity! Can't wait to see what's up next.


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