Friday, March 27, 2009

New Artwork...

I 'Hare' You!
Colored Pencil on Uart Paper 400
Beth S. Macre 2009

I have two pieces that are done and ready to be delivered, but I couldn't post them until the recipients saw them first. The rabbit is for the ScribbleTalk ATC exchange, and the other is a painting for a friend. The rabbit will be heading out to Arizona next week, to my online friend, Toni. She is a wonderful artist, mentor, and a funny lady!

The painting was delivered today to Emerson and her Mom, Leigh. You can read about their adventures here. Toddlers are so cute! I wish that I had this blog technology when my kids were little. There are so many things that would be cool to remember and let them read about. My journal on paper is just not the same. Sorry the picture here is dark, but I delivered the painting before I looked at this image on the computer. This painting matches little Emerson's bedroom with the pink and green and lots of polka dots! Its really cute!

Spring break has been very nice, both in my time in the studio and weather far. It has rained quite a bit, but its been at night and sunny during the day! But Monday we go back to work and start working towards the end of the school year! My advanced art classes will be working with clay, so that means I will have some new clay work to show.

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break... finally here! The last couple of weeks have been very busy at school and we all (students and teachers) were ready for a break! You know how, when you are with someone constantly, you begin to get on each others nerves? Well that is the way it is in a high school full of teenagers! I love 'em, but they can wear you out after being together day in and day out! We all need to recharge our batteries!

I am beginning to make a list of things I want to get accomplished this week, and my list is getting longer than the time that I have off, as usual. I guess those that I don't get to will wait until June. Summer break will start about a week later than expected this year, because of the ice storm. We missed school for 4 days for the one in January/Feb, and we were out 2 days for the one in December. Its going to be hard to last until June 5th!

I worked on my spring doodle some last night. Here are the results. I may add a few more touches here and there, but for the most part, its done. Hopefully I will have more creative stuff to post soon!
How do you recharge your batteries?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Featured Member on AREtsy

I am a member of the Arkansas Etsy Team and they have just started featuring their members on their blog a couple of weeks ago. I am the featured member this week. If you are interested in reading my interview, then click on over! --> Arkansas Artists on Etsy

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Etsy Seller!

Getting started on Etsy can be difficult. There are many Etsy sellers and to get attention among all of those sellers, you have to be seen. I've struggled a bit myself with that. Joining teams and blogging are two ways to get to know people on Etsy. But to be seen by the buyers is another thing. You must promote yourself to people you know and people you do not know. So what's a seller to do? Well it helps for the people you do know to talk about you. I have had the benefit of being featured on a couple of blogs and want to pass that on to another newby. Timbo Hunter © 2009

I recently purchased this adorable clown ACEO from this new Etsy seller named Tim Hunter. Also known as Timbo from Hambo Stamps. So this clown is not is hanging on my studio wall! It is very cheerful and all of Tim's little ACEOs are equally as cheerful! Even this little clown that is crying! Just check out TimboHunter's artwork and check his Stamp Blog for some cute ideas and supplies. Tim is also part of the team at HamboStamps. Tim and his wife Monica make a great team with their creativity and design sense.

Tim Hunter © 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Doodle

This time last week we had 14 inches of snow, yesterday we had temperatures in the 70s! Arkansas weather! Gotta love it! Its been a busy week at school and after school so I haven't started the portraits that are on my drawing table. I did do a little doodle at work this week. I like to have something to draw or paint on when I get a few minutes here and there when my students are working diligently. I have spring flowers on my mind, so here is the doodle that I started. I used a black micron pen to draw the flower designs. I started adding some color with colored pencils last night. I will be adding more color as time permits, so I will post an update as I go. But I plan to start a portrait first. I have so many projects to do, and so little time! I can't wait until spring break in 2 weeks!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lots of Snow... what we got! The weather service predicted that we might get 2 to 4 inches. By the time it was over last night, we had 14 inches! That is what our backyard looked like at sunrise this morning. Here is what the front looked like just before dark last night.
This is much better than the ice that we got last month! I'll take snow anytime over ice! When does spring start? It is supposed to be back in the 70's this week!

My Kiln

My Little Kiln She is small but mighty. She gets the job done.  The size of my kiln does limit what I can create, but I get a lot of use o...