Painting is Good for the Soul
After spending hours and hours getting ready for the Norcross Art Festival and finishing up a large commission, last week I just crashed! I spent several days unpacking and re-organizing my tent display items, then re-listing items in my Etsy shop, so I was working, just not on the creative part of my 'job'. So Friday I pulled out a canvas commission that had been waiting to be finished and by Saturday morning I was in the mood to be creative. I painted all day Saturday, finishing 2 painting commissions and then on to one just for fun! And it felt really good to paint! It was a rainy day, so it was good to be in the studio. It lifted my spirits quite a bit. The blahs turned into a happy feeling. I think I will spend more time painting in the near future, mixing my time up with some drawing, clay work and painting. Sounds like a good mixture to me.
Whimsical Birds on Canvas
A couple of months ago I painted the background of this canvas. I used a coral color first. Then I rolled blue on top of the coral, leaving some of the coral showing through. After that was dry, I drew the outline of the birds on the branch. Then I put it away to get ready for the art show...then pulled it out Saturday. I got so excited about painting, I forgot to take photos of the background first. I started lightening up the background (around the birds and branch) with loose brushstrokes of lighter blues, pinks, and yellows. Monday I worked on the painting again and ended up here...
I'm letting it sit for a few days to decide if its finished or not. We'll see. Now I'm ready to work on some commissions because my Soul is refreshed!
Beth ♥