To Blog or Not to blog...that is my question.

I started this blog to document my creative journey in 2008. At the time, many artists were blogging and I was trying to create a presence online. I was hoping to retire from teaching one day and work full time as an artist. So I started blogging about my art. Now, 5 years later, I AM retired from teaching and working full time on my art (YAY!) and I am still blogging. Not as often, but I am still here. But after 5 years, I am wondering who reads blogs and why? Does anyone actually read this blog? If so, do you want tutorials? or just pictures of artwork? or life life is rather dull, except the story about the raccoons in the attic, or tackling my grand dog who wanted to play chase at a bad time...but those can be saved for another post.
On an art note:
Of course I had to include a photo of some art. After all, this is an Art blog. I have to include some type of visual in all of my posts. This is a photo of a drawing I did several years ago (2006) for an Art Class project demo. I call it creative doodling. These days, there is a popular thing called Zendoodles. I guess I've been doing 'Zendoodles' for about 20 years! I had posted it on my Art Teacher blog and recently someone contacted me about wanting to purchase a download of it. So I set it up in my
Etsy shop. Maybe I should do more downloads? I am thinking about it, but don't know how popular that would be. We'll see. Click on the image to see the listing in my Etsy shop. Maybe I should go dig out my 'zendoodles' from my teaching years...It was one of my favorite projects to have my students create!
I really would like to know what you think about the blogging questions. So please comment below or on my link from Facebook. Thank you in advance! (Hope I'm not talking to a black hole in cyberspace!!)
Thanks for stopping by,
Beth ♥