I've been burning the candle on both ends for awhile now, trying to get art ready for multiple artistic events, plus my full time job. It finally caught up with me this week! Monday I began to feel a little achy and my throat started feeling a little scratchy. Then the sneezing joined the list of symptoms. By Tuesday night, it was a full blown cold with the coughing, sneezing, achey, stopped up cloudy head feeling. But no! I don't have time this week to be sick! With 2 parent teacher conference days scheduled for after school on Tuesday and Thursday, it was going to be a long week anyway. Not only the extra time at work, but Friday was a make up snow day for the students. But the students were at school today, the last day before spring break. They were antsy and ready for the break, and I was in no humor for any silly behavior. I did manage to take Wednesday off and pretty much slept the day away on the couch. But I had to be at school yesterday for more parent conferences. Today I felt a little better, but 3:15 did not come fast enough! Finally, after a couple of 'Art' movies and a little painting and colored pencil drawings later, Spring Break has finally begun! Not a minute too soon!
So here's to an art filled Spring Break!