Friday, March 19, 2010

Finally! A Much needed Spring Break...

I've been burning the candle on both ends for awhile now, trying to get art ready for multiple artistic events, plus my full time job. It finally caught up with me this week! Monday I began to feel a little achy and my throat started feeling a little scratchy. Then the sneezing joined the list of symptoms. By Tuesday night, it was a full blown cold with the coughing, sneezing, achey, stopped up cloudy head feeling. But no! I don't have time this week to be sick! With 2 parent teacher conference days scheduled for after school on Tuesday and Thursday, it was going to be a long week anyway. Not only the extra time at work, but Friday was a make up snow day for the students. But the students were at school today, the last day before spring break. They were antsy and ready for the break, and I was in no humor for any silly behavior. I did manage to take Wednesday off and pretty much slept the day away on the couch. But I had to be at school yesterday for more parent conferences. Today I felt a little better, but 3:15 did not come fast enough! Finally, after a couple of 'Art' movies and a little painting and colored pencil drawings later, Spring Break has finally begun! Not a minute too soon!
So here's to an art filled Spring Break!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Grand Opening Saturday!

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I took some of my art and clay houses to Searcy last weekend to sell in a new shoppe, Second Saturday Studio, that is opening up today. I will not get to go this month because it is a two hour drive from here. Since I was just there last weekend to take my work and get all signed up to participate, it is just too much to go two weekends in a row. I really wish that I lived closer to central Arkansas, where my parents are, but that is another goal that I would like to pursue in the future! Anyway, the paintings shown above are some of the ones that are available in the new shoppe. Both photos show a set of 2 paintings, which can be purchased together or separately. I also have lots of little houses that are shown in the photos on the SSS Blog. They are hanging in bags below the paintings.

Sunday they started featuring the artists who will have their work in the shoppe. And on Monday, they featured me here: Introducing Beth S. Macre!

So I am excited to find out how the Grand Opening goes today! For now the shoppe is only going to be open once a month, but if you want to go in there to look around at another time, all you have to do is call one of the owners, Kelly Van Hook or Micah Holden. Check out the Facebook Fan page here: Second Saturday Studio Fanpage You will find all of the contact information and addresses that you may need if you are interested in visiting the shoppe. There will be a very interesting variety of items that will be for sale in the shop! So, if you are in central Arkansas on the second Saturday of each month, please stop by and see what artistic goodies you will find!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Corvette... parked in the carport. My latest tile was done for a friend. She wanted her house and her car included. So I managed to finally finish this between all the other little houses that I've been working on. I'll post some pictures of the paintings and little houses that I've been working on soon.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I've been out of town this weekend, visiting family and delivering artwork to a new gallery/art boutique that will be opening soon. The grand opening is this Saturday. I am pretty excited about this. So watch for updates soon about the Second Saturday Studio. I will post some photos of the paintings that will be for sale. If you follow the link to the blog, you can read more about it now.
Stay tuned for more to come! ;-)

My Kiln

My Little Kiln She is small but mighty. She gets the job done.  The size of my kiln does limit what I can create, but I get a lot of use o...